Creating a Twitter Bot with Node.js

Created at 2016-08-02 Updated at 2016-11-02 Tag Javascript / Node / Twitter / API

I am a huge fan of the television program Shark Tank. To have more fun watching it, I decided to make a twitter bot that would retweet anything that included the searchable hashtag #SharkTank.

This wasn’t a very hard of a project, there are already many tutorials and boiler plates for getting a bot up and running on Node.js with the Twitter API. You can find the source code to my bot here.

Clone the git repo git clone and setup your Twitter account for apps, and plugin your credentials into config.js

module.exports = {
consumer_key: 'use',
consumer_secret: 'your',
access_token: 'own',
access_token_secret: 'tokens&keys'

Run npm install in your root folder, allow the dependencies to be downloaded, and then run:

node bot.js

Super easy!

There are several guides to help you start making a bot, and I used as a starting point for @SharkTankBot.

Info for using the Twitter API Client for node is located here

Edit: I am now using the forever package for node to keep this bot from crashing. To use, run npm install -g forever.

To start the bot, while in the bot root directory, run forever start --spinSleepTime 10000 bot.js.

Instead of writing to the console, our logs will go somewhere in ~/.forever. To locate the log for your currently running node project, run forever list.

If you would like to see the live updates of logs, run tail -f <logfile>.

I will update this post as I add new features to the bot. Have fun, and stay safe!


Site by Jackson Stokes
